Who are we?

We are Andrea & Aleksandra better known as Sasha. We are a physiotherapist and a lymphologist working together to bring your health back in order! Whether you are a sports enthusiast, a cancer patient or someone who’s had pain for a while, we are here to listen to your story!

We will work out a plan together and support you throughout your rehabilitation process! You are not alone in this journey. Trust the process and ask anytime!


Andrea is a physiotherapist from Malta residing partly in St Petersburg, Russia.

His passion is to work with cancer patients who meet an obstacle in their rehabilitation. With his background in sports and exercise physiotherapy, he adapted his expertise to the cancer field where individualised exercise programs assist patients post-cancer, to return to a better function and quality of life.

He currently works in Russia where rehabilitation post-cancer is practically nonexistent, which inspired this work. Together with lymphologists around the country, he is trying to change how oncologists and breast surgeons look at the rehabilitation of such patients. In the future, he wishes to conduct further research in the field and to have a more significant impact on the education of cancer rehabilitation physiotherapy.

Andrea does not only work in the oncology field. His passion for sports, exercise and pain management motivates him to help as many people as possible! Whether it is a trauma, a nagging pain or a query about your performance, feel free to ask!

Her medical career stsrted as rehabilitologist (adults and children), specialist in rehabilitation for children with congenital pathology and her administrative career as a deputy director of “Association of the private clinics of St Petersburg”. Since her involvement in development of lymphology till today she is an active medical specialist in lymphology (consultations, conservative treatment, follow-up for adults and children), a specialist in compression therapy, chief medical consultant for Jobst distributor in Russian Federation.

Since 2015 she is an active member of the executive committee of Russian Association of lymphologists and to date she is the administrative director. She is an author and lecturer of "School for patients (a project for patients after oncology treatment in Russia and several European countries). She is an organizer and speaker for lymphedema conferences and events in Russia – annual LIMPHA conference , St Petersburg phlebological forum, Oncomammology conference, etc. as well as a constant participant and speaker in international and european lymphology events (ESL&ISL congresses, PhleboLatAm, BBM, etc.), having several rewards for her talks (the scientific committee award , ELS congress, Prague, Czech Republic; Presidential Prize of the ISL World Congress, Buenos-Aires, Argentina).

She is a member of International Lymphology Society and full board member of European Lymphology society. She is an Ambassador of St Petersburg in Lymphology and the Chairman of the Russian Chapter of LE&RN, Coordinator of the World Lymphedema Day Russia.

She devotes most of her time to teaching. She is a lecturer, instructor and author for conservative lymphedema treatment courses (MLD, compression therapy, kinesiotaping), compression garment measurement and fitting courses, in Russia and Europe (Romania, Czech Republic, Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, Malta), St-Petersburg State Medical University n.b.ac.I.P.Pavlov, LIMPHA-Training, Limfedem Romania, etc.

Dr. Aleksandra

Aleksandra Rovnaya is a medical doctor, specialized in rehabilitation, lymphology and pediatrics. She graduated from St Petersburg State University, Medical Faculty, specialization “General Medicine” with honours (red).

She had her internship in Pediatrics in St Petersburg State Pediatric University, and residency in “Rehabilitology, physiotherapy and sport medicine" at First Pavlov Medical St Petersburg University. She further graduated from St Petersburg Financial Economy University, specialization “Management in healthcare”.

Her way in lymphology started from Jobst international courses – “Complex decongestion therapy (CDT) and measuring for flat knit compression garments” that were held in St Petersburg, Russia. She attended international courses of CDT (lymphedema management) to Foeldi clinic, Hinterzarten, Germany, and in the following years also attended advanced courses and workshops to become a specialist. Advanced surgical courses included liposuction for lymphedema patients (Sweden, K.Johansson, H.Brorson), theoretical & practical course in lymphatic microsurgery in live animal models (Spain, RMES, J.Masia, I.Koshima, A.Nistor), cadaver course in lymphatic microsurgery (Spain, RMES, J.Masia, J.P.Hong, S.Suominen).

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